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Business Meeting

Strategies for Successful Grant Writing Seminar


November 14 Saturday, 2020 

7:00 PM


정부/민간그랜트 신청 방법 및 전략 

무료 온라인 워크샵 및 세미나


11/5 (Thursday) 7:00 PM ~ 9:10 PM


핵심 요소 파악!

효과적인 작성법!

다양한 그랜트 정보!


성공적인 그랜트 신청 전략과

신청서 작성법을 위한 정보 교류의 장.


대상: 비영리 단체,

           그랜트에 관심있는 단체 또는 개인




This webinar covers the overall strategic plan for applying grants, including the grant applicants statement of requirements, mission, objectives, activities, assessments, key people, and budget.

Most of the lectures are conducted in English but the basic understanding of grants will be lecture by the Korean language.

Participants will learn:
-Understanding the diversity of the grants
-Search and identify potential grant sources
-Understand the guidelines of the proposal
-Identify the key elements of the proposal and write it effectively
-Intensive and realistic budget development
-Write a proposal that stands out from the competition


© 2018 by KCul foundation.

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